Take 3 launches the CEO Clean-Up!
By Allie Shaw
Plastic pollution is one of the biggest threats to oceans, marine life and the broader environment in recent history. Over 8 million tonnes of new plastic enter our oceans each year. If this continues, by 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish.
Every day, businesses around the Central Coast, NSW are adding to this problem. But YOU and your organisation can be part of the solution.
The inaugural Take 3 CEO Clean-Up will be taking place at Terilbah Reserve, The Entrance North on November 15th, bringing together Central Coast Business Owners, Directors and CEOs to help reduce plastic pollution and clean-up the Coast!
To get involved with this unique initiative, follow these 3 easy steps:
- NOMINATE your CEO, Business Owner or Director
- FUNDRAISE in your workplace
- PARTICIPATE on the 15th November
The CEO Clean-Up is an exciting opportunity for business leaders to network with other Central Coast CEOs, support a local initiative, and lead the way to a cleaner Central Coast. Thanks to our exceptional partners LEP Digital and Southern Cross Austereo, it’s sure to be an event for the ages.
The clean-up aims to raise $30,000 to support Take 3’s strategic, three-year goals:
- Remove 30 million pieces of rubbish from the environment
- Educate 300,000 students through the Take 3 Education programs
A $3 donation to Take 3 helps educate one person on plastic pollution and waste through Take 3 education programs, so any donation makes a difference!
For more information, head to www.ceocleanup.com or email ceocleanup@take3.org