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by Take 3 SLSCs
You can empower Australia’s ‘Nippers’ to care for and clean up their local beach when you support the Take 3 Surf Life Saving Clubs (SLSC) program. Take 3’s SLSC program educates clubs around plastic pollution with a focus on coastal and marine environments. During the program, Take 3 leads each club to develop original solutions to learning, hands-on participation and clean-up activities.
The SLSC program has been delivered to more than 40 surf clubs around Australia and has seen major positive impacts as a result.
1.7 million m2 of beach has been cleaned around Australia, and 9,700 tonnes of rubbish has been removed from those sites thanks to Take 3’s SLSC program. The program exemplifies the role of SLSCs as environmental champions and triggers systemic change throughout their wider community.
With your help, Take 3 can provide more clubs with the tools they need to care for their patch of ocean.
All donations over $2 are 100% tax deductible